No. The system is simply a tool to facilitate the procurement processes and will still require humans to manage tenders/procurements
A bid security is a monetary guarantee intended to discourage bidders from withdrawing their bids before the end of the bid validity period because they would otherwise forfeit the bid security amount to the procuring entity, whereas, a bid securing declaration is a non-monetary form of bid security where a bidder commits to not withdrawing their bid before the end of the bid validity period, otherwise they would be automatically suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract with the Procuring Entity for the period of time stated in the solicitation document.
By the 15th day of the first month after the commencement of the procuring entities financial year (e.g. 15th January).
- Legal Capacity to enter into a contract
- Fulfilment of obligations of paying taxes and social security contributions
- Bidder should not be solvent, and not in receivership, bankrupt or wound up, its affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, or its business activities suspended or subject to legal proceeding for any of the forgoing.
- The bidder should not have a conflict of interest in relation to the procurement requirement.
Supplier debrief is the feedback given to suppliers by providing reasons why the suppliers bid was not successful. This helps the supplier to understand the strengths and weakness of its bid and the decision-making criteria used in the evaluation process.
Not all Direct Bidding procurements should be submitted to ZPPA for approval, the Authority has issued various administrative circulars guiding the PEs on the conditions for use of this procurement method (Circular No.1 of 2013 and Circular No.3 of 2017).
ZPPA maintains a centralised data base through the use of the eGP system and PEs can use the centralized data for all categories as registration of their own suppliers would be duplication. Suppliers are however not required to be in any database to be able to participate in public procurement.
To facilitate visibility to Procuring Entities (PEs). PEs may use the supplier register to identify suppliers in different categories. Suppliers are stakeholders in public procurement hence when their details are captured, it becomes easy for the Authority to monitor their activities and possibly engage them in some of the exercises to develop public procurement. With the e-GP system only registered suppliers can interact/transact with PEs on the system.
The role of end users is to provide technical input to the procurement process, thecollection of quotation is a function for the Procurement Unit in line with Section 12 of the PPA. The other roles of end-users are limited to what is contained in Section 21 of the PPA.
Each respective contract shall state any approval requirements for contract variations.
- Providing false information in a bid or any other document submitted in connection with a procurement process or contract
- Connivance to interfere with the participation of other bidders
- Refusal to sign a contract or to furnish a performance security in accordance with the terms of the Solicitation Document and bid if required to do so or
- Failure to comply with a bid securing declaration.
No. Any member of staff (at a senior level) with the requisite experience and skill can be appointed by the Controlling Officer.
No. The system is simply a tool to facilitate the procurement processes and will still require humans to manage tenders/procurements
- Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) System is an internet-based platform that allows public institutions to involve suppliers in the acquisition of goods, works, consulting and non-consulting services required by the public sector.
1. PACRA Certificate
3. Valid email address
4. A nonrefundable fee of K 150.00
Registration is done online by following this link:
- The system has two payment options, the online payment option where you pay using your VISA Card or Master Card and the offline payment options where you log on to the system and download a Bill Muster from the system which you present at any Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO) Branch.
- No. The system is location independent; you do not have to be in a particular location for you to access the system. You could be anywhere in the world, all you need for you to participate in the tendering process is a computer and internet connectivity.
- Bids are submitted electronically. You have to download a tender preparation tool from the system and prepare your bids using this tender preparation tool. After you have worked on your bid, you have to save and package it before you can upload it back on the system.
- Tenders are encrypted at the time of submission and no one can tamper with them after you have submitted them on the system.
- The system has automated email alerts which notify you when you have successfully submitted your bid and also when the PE has awarded the tender. Suppliers can also check the status of the tender they participated in by going to the e-GP system under the Current Tenders and checking the status for the tenders.
- The tender documents for tenders on the system can be downloaded free of charge. Bidders are only required to pay at bid submission stage when they want to submit their bids.
- Reduce the time and cost of doing business for both bidders and PEs
- Realize better value for money spent through increased competition
- Standardize public procurement processes across government departments/agencies
- Allow equal opportunity to all bidders
- Bring transparency (good governance)
- Social-economic development
- To make it easy for ZPPA to monitor compliance