Procurement methods
Simplified bidding/selection
- Used for low value (up to K1 million) off the shelf purchases
- At least three (3) competitive quotations are obtained by use of a written Request for Quotations document
- The Request for Quotations should give clear instructions on the conduct of the procurement process, including the preparation and submission of quotations and information on the evaluation of quotations and award of contract
- Suppliers requested to submit quotations supported by certificate of registration, ZRA Tax Clearance Certificate and relevant certification, e.g. National Council for Construction
- There is no need to advertise and/or gazette
- The evaluation is based on the request for quotations that was issued
- The purchase is confirmed by the Local Purchase Order
Open bidding/selection
- Preferred procurement method
- For high value procurements (above K1 million)
- Invitations to bid are gazetted and advertised in newspapers
- The invitation to bid is open to the public
- The bidding document is obtainable upon payment of non-refundable fee
- The invitation to bid has a minimum floatation period of four weeks for National tenders and six weeks for International tenders
- Sealed bids are deposited in a tender box
- The public is invited to attend the tender closing and bid opening ceremony
- Evaluation is based on the criteria given in the bidding document
- Authorization for award of contract is either by the Procurement Committee or the Central Tender Committee depending on the level of authority of a procuring entity during the interim period only
- There is a requirement for publication of the best evaluated bidder before contract award
- A formal contract document is signed
- After commencement of a contract with the successful bidder, a procuring entity shall inform all other bidders that their bids have been unsuccessful and shall give reasons for that decision
Limited bidding/selection
Used where:
- the circumstances do not justify or permit the use of open bidding
- the goods, works or services are only available from a limited numbers of suppliers or firms
- there is an urgent need for the goods, works and services and engaging in open bidding would therefore be impractical
- The invitation to bid is not gazetted nor advertised in newspapers
- The invitation to bid is restricted to nominated firms only
- A solicitation/bidding document is prepared and obtainable upon payment of a non-refundable fee
- The invitation to bid has a minimum floatation period of four (4) weeks for national tenders and six (6) weeks for International tenders
- Sealed bids are deposited in a tender box
- The public are free to attend the tender closing and bid opening ceremony
- Evaluation is based on the criteria given in the tender document
- Authorization for award of contract is either by the Procurement Committee or the Central Tender Committee depending on the level of authority of a procuring entity during the interim period only
- A formal contract document is signed
Direct bidding
Used where:
- the goods, works or services are only available from a single source and no reasonable alternative or substitute exists
- due to an emergency, there is urgent need for the goods, works or services making it impractical to use other methods of procurement because of the time involved in using those methods
- additional goods, works or services must be procured from the same source because of the need for compatibility, standardisation or continuity
- an existing contract could be extended for additional goods, works or services of a similar nature and no advantage could be obtained by further competition
- the estimated value of the goods, works or services does not exceed the threshold prescribed in the Public Procurement Regulations
- The invitation to bid is not gazetted nor advertised in newspapers
- The invitation to bid is restricted to the nominated firm only
- The solicitation/bidding document is prepared and obtainable upon payment of a non-refundable fee
- The invitation to bid has a minimum floatation period of four (4) weeks for national tenders and six (6) weeks for International tenders
- Sealed bid is deposited in a tender box
- The public are free to attend the tender closing and bid opening ceremony
- Evaluation is based on the criteria given in the solicitation/bidding document
- Authorization for award of contract is either by the Procurement Committee or the Central Tender Committee depending on the levels of authority of the procuring entity during the interim period only
- A formal contract document is signed
Force account
Force account is the construction by the use of the procuring entity’s own personnel and equipment. Used where:
- the quantities of work involved cannot be defined in advance;
- the works are small and scattered or in remote locations for which qualified construction firms are unlikely to bid at reasonable prices;
- work is required to be carried out without disrupting ongoing operations
- risks of unavoidable work interruption are better borne by the procuring entity than by a bidder or supplier; or,
- there is an emergency needing prompt attention.
Community participation
Where, in the interest of project sustainability, or to achieve certain specific objectives of the project, it is desirable in selected project components to:
- call for participation of local communities and non governmental organizations;
- increase the utilization of local know-how and materials; and,
- employ labour intensive and other appropriate technologies.
Purchases from other procuring entities
The procuring entity may purchase directly from another Government agency without the application of any other method of procurement where:
- there would be no benefit in purchasing from a supplier; and
- the Government agency is able to meet all the procuring entity’s requirement as specified in the statement of requirement for a particular procurement need.
Procurement of infrastructure for private financing and award of concessions
- Use of the private sector to carry out certain projects such as construction, rehabilitation or operation of public infrastructure and other public goods on the basis of private investment
- The legal framework in the implementation of privately financed infrastructure is provided in the Public-Private Partnership Act No. 14 of 2009
Use of alternative procurement methods
A procuring entity wishing to use an alternative procurement method from the ones mentioned, shall make an application from the Zambia Public Procurement Authority.